Free Math Tutoring!

Monday through Wednesday and Friday

2:45-3:45 PM

For math students who may need extra help with homework or test preparation, I offer free after-school tutoring in my classroom each afternoon. (Occasional exceptions will be posted as needed.) Students who wish to attend should come to my room as quickly as possible after the 2:45 bell rings to end the school day.

I will provide assistance for students in any math subject, including Gateway preparation.

Parents who wish to do so may send a note with their child for me to sign to verify the time of arrival and time of departure.

After school tutoring is a great way to get help with more difficult topics.

My students receive 1 extra-credit point on their daily grade for each hour of tutorial attendance. Students may receive up to 5 points (maximum) credit on the six-weeks grade, depending on the number of hours attended.

Feel free to call me at school if you have questions.